Michael Osipov
2018-06-27 20:48:24 UTC
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.0.0.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:
Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.0.0
** Bug
* [MPIR-348] - Usage of HTTP in web site for git-scm.com resources
cause redirects to HTTPS
* [MPIR-349] - Bad modules links in 'index/modules' reports when
'distributionManagement.site.url' comes from settings.xml
* [MPIR-359] - Generated links for Mercurial SCM are broken
* [MPIR-362] - Dependency Management report doesn't exclude system
scoped dependencies
* [MPIR-365] - Failed tests on Java 9 due to error with keytool
plugin "keytool: not found"
* [MPIR-370] - Upgrade transitive BCEL to 6.2 to avoid
** Improvement
* [MPIR-352] - Use protocol-agnostic URL for Gravatar
* [MPIR-358] - Add GitHub for issue management
* [MPIR-366] - Drop Maven 2 support
** Task
* [MPIR-323] - Align Mojo class names, goals and output names
* [MPIR-345] - Upgrade to Doxia 1.8
* [MPIR-346] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 1.8.1
* [MPIR-347] - Upgrade to Java 6
* [MPIR-350] - Upgrade of plexus-interpolation to 1.24.
* [MPIR-353] - Upgrade parent to version 30
* [MPIR-354] - Upgrade Maven Site Plugin to version 3.5.1 for ITs
* [MPIR-355] - Upgrade dependencies which are code- and testsafe
* [MPIR-356] - Deprecate not used methods in ProjectInfoReportUtils
* [MPIR-367] - Remove Dependency Repository Locations from
dependency report
* [MPIR-368] - Upgrade to Java 7
* [MPIR-369] - Drop Commons Lang for System builtins
* [MPIR-372] - Remove fields duplicating parent class members
** Dependency upgrade
* [MPIR-361] - Upgrade parent to 31
* [MPIR-363] - Upgrade dependencies to latest versions
-The Apache Maven team
Project Info Reports Plugin version 3.0.0.
You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:
Release Notes - Maven Project Info Reports Plugin - Version 3.0.0
** Bug
* [MPIR-348] - Usage of HTTP in web site for git-scm.com resources
cause redirects to HTTPS
* [MPIR-349] - Bad modules links in 'index/modules' reports when
'distributionManagement.site.url' comes from settings.xml
* [MPIR-359] - Generated links for Mercurial SCM are broken
* [MPIR-362] - Dependency Management report doesn't exclude system
scoped dependencies
* [MPIR-365] - Failed tests on Java 9 due to error with keytool
plugin "keytool: not found"
* [MPIR-370] - Upgrade transitive BCEL to 6.2 to avoid
** Improvement
* [MPIR-352] - Use protocol-agnostic URL for Gravatar
* [MPIR-358] - Add GitHub for issue management
* [MPIR-366] - Drop Maven 2 support
** Task
* [MPIR-323] - Align Mojo class names, goals and output names
* [MPIR-345] - Upgrade to Doxia 1.8
* [MPIR-346] - Upgrade to Doxia Sitetools 1.8.1
* [MPIR-347] - Upgrade to Java 6
* [MPIR-350] - Upgrade of plexus-interpolation to 1.24.
* [MPIR-353] - Upgrade parent to version 30
* [MPIR-354] - Upgrade Maven Site Plugin to version 3.5.1 for ITs
* [MPIR-355] - Upgrade dependencies which are code- and testsafe
* [MPIR-356] - Deprecate not used methods in ProjectInfoReportUtils
* [MPIR-367] - Remove Dependency Repository Locations from
dependency report
* [MPIR-368] - Upgrade to Java 7
* [MPIR-369] - Drop Commons Lang for System builtins
* [MPIR-372] - Remove fields duplicating parent class members
** Dependency upgrade
* [MPIR-361] - Upgrade parent to 31
* [MPIR-363] - Upgrade dependencies to latest versions
-The Apache Maven team